The Tuner wheel is the best value Derby wheel for all levels of play offering a wide variety of hardnesses that grip coated indoor floors, uncoated wood, sport-tile surfaces, or even smooth outdoor tracks. Top of the line Poly-BD material wrapped around a DuPont Zytel hub with a "Speed Groove" provides for a quick response on the floor.
Size: Red 92A, Blue 93A, Pink 94A, Orange 95A, Green 96A, Black 91A
Width: 62 mm x 43 mm
Surface: tile, coated concrete (red); uncoated indoor, tile (blue); dirty indoor wood floors (pink); indoor wood floors (orange); clean indoor wood floors (green); tile, smooth concrete (black)
The smaller sibling of the wildly popular Tuner wheel, the smaller diameter of the Tuner Jr. wheel provides quicker acceleration for Junior Derby players with a shorter stride. Adult Blockers enjoy the added maneuverability and quicker acceleration as well when out in the pack on the track during a bout. Carried over from the Tuner wheel is the same top of the line Poly-BD material wrapped around a DuPont Zytel hub with a "Speed Groove" that provides for a quick response on the floor.
Size: Red 92A, Blue 93A, Pink 94A, Black 91A
Width: 59 mm x 43 mm
Surface: tile, coated concrete (red); uncoated indoor, tile (blue); dirty indoor wood floors (pink); tile, smooth concrete (black)
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